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Food, Inside Lagos / 04.09.2020

Sometime in February 2020, I wanted to try out new seafood recipes. Since I live in Yaba, the Makoko Fish market was my best bet to get affordable seafood in Lagos. Prior to that time, I had heard a lot about the market and other fish markets like the Epe and Oyingbo markets. Many people know Makoko for the buildings that float on water - it’s sometimes referred to as the Venice of Africa, even though I disagree. Makoko is also known for the resilient people that thrive in...

Travelogue / 31.05.2020

is article details my experience on a trip to Arinta Waterfall, Ekiti. I talk about entry fees, how to get to Arinta waterfall as well as things to do at the waterfall. Be sure to read, bookmark, and refer to this blog post when you’re planning a trip to Arinta waterfall.  On a scale of 1-10, how often do you think I get lost on trips? Make an educated guess I might let you in on some of my travel secrets. In true Bourgie camaraderie, we decided to make the...

Inspired! / 16.04.2020

I decided to walk the talk and create my bucket list. You’ll remember that in my last blog post on how to travel without leaving your house, one of the things I talked about was creating a bucket list. [gallery size="full" ids="1335,1636,948"] What’s a Bucket List? A Bucket list is a list of places to visit and things to do before die you leave this world. A few people have coined other terms such as a “Best Life List” or a “Living list” and this just means a list of things...